The arrogance of normalcy & what has not yet imploded. P. Marton
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An 01 – Year 01

L’AN 01
On arrête tout. On réfléchit. Et c’est pas drôle.An01

We stop everything. We reflect. And it’s not sad.
(a comic strip by Gébé – turned into a film by Jacques Doillon)

An01ClicThought bubble: “In 10 years… in 20 years… in 50 years…”
“If only you could not move!”
“Ah, good! You can move” [with the thought bubble] “Now you can age, get run over, this moment of happiness is in the can.”
Last square: “Click – clack! Technology is always there to resolve our wildest panic attacks as well as our most capricious anxieties. The more metaphysical the question, the more the answer is technologically clever.”


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